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An Investigation of a Type of Affine Nonlinear Ship Fuel Oil Viscosity and Temperature Control System 会议论文
11th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID), Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA, DEC 08-09, 2018
作者:  Ma, Zhexuan*;  Mao, Xiaobing;  Huang, Hai
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Energy harvesting sensitivity analysis and assessment of the potential power and full car dynamics for different road modes 期刊论文
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 卷号: 110, 页码: 307-332
作者:  Abdelkareem, Mohamed A. A.;  Xu, Lin*;  Guo, Xuexun;  Ali, Mohamed Kamal Ahmed;  Elagouz, Ahmed
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棣堣兘鍨嬬數瀛愯礋杞界敤鍗囧帇DC/DC鍙樻崲鍣ㄨ璁$爺绌?/h3>CSCD璁ら瀵煎嚭涓嬭浇Link by涓浗鐭ョ綉瀛︽湳鏈熷垔Link by缁存櫘瀛︽湳鏈熷垔Link by涓囨柟瀛︽湳鏈熷垔鍙嶉鍒嗕韩QQ寰俊.Wechatppng {border: 1px solid #e3ecf2;border-radius: 3px;box-shadow: 0 3px 7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);left: 50%;margin: -200px 0 0 -200px;overflow: hidden;position: fixed;z-index: 1001;top: 50%;width: 360px;height: 400px;overflow: hidden;background: #fff;}.Wechatppng .wechat_title {padding: 10px;font-size: 16px;height: 30px;line-height: 30px;border-bottom: 1px solid #e3ecf2;text-indent: 10px;}.Wechatppng .wechat_title i {width: 30px;height: 30px;line-height: 30px;text-align: center;display: block;float: right;font-style: normal;cursor: pointer;}.Wechatppng .wechat_content {width: 100%;height: 300px;text-align: center;}.Wechatppng .wechat_footer {padding: 5px;height: auto;line-height: 18px;border-top: 1px solid #e3ecf2;}寰崥浣滆€呬俊鎭?/a>鍏抽敭璇?/a>鏈熷垔淇℃伅鍩虹淇℃伅褰掑睘淇℃伅鎽樿鎴愭灉绫诲瀷锛?/div>鏈熷垔璁烘枃璁烘枃鏍囬(鑻辨枃)锛?/div>A Study on Design of Boost DC/DC Converter Used in Energy Feedback Type Electronic Load浣滆€咃細浜撴檽褰?浣滆€呮満鏋勶細[浜撴檽褰 姝︽眽鐞嗗伐澶у,淇℃伅宸ョ▼瀛﹂櫌璇锛?/div>涓枃鍏抽敭璇嶏細鐢靛瓙璐熻浇;浜ら敊骞惰仈;鍗囧帇鍨婦C/DC鍙樻崲鍣?闆疯揪璁惧鐢垫簮;鑳介噺鍥為鍏抽敭璇?鑻辨枃)锛?/div>electronic load;interleaved parallel connection;boost DC/DC converter;radar power supply;energy feedback鏈熷垔锛?/div>鐜颁唬闆疯揪鏈熷垔(鑻辨枃)锛?/div>Modern RadarISSN锛?/div>1004-7859骞达細2014鍗凤細36鏈燂細8椤电爜锛?/div>66-69DOI锛?/div>10.16592/j.cnki.1004-7859.2014.08.002鏈烘瀯缃插悕锛?/div>鏈牎涓虹涓€鏈烘瀯闄㈢郴褰掑睘锛?/div>淇℃伅宸ョ▼瀛﹂櫌鎽樿锛?/div>閽堝闆疯揪璁惧鐢垫簮娴嬭瘯瀵圭數瀛愯礋杞界殑闇€姹?鍜岀幇鏈変綆鍘嬮鑳藉瀷鐢靛瓙璐熻浇鍓嶇骇鍗囧帇鐜妭鐨勪笉瓒?鏂囩珷寮€灞曚簡棣堣兘鍨嬬數瀛愯礋杞藉墠绾у崌鍘婦C/DC鍙樻崲鍣ㄧ殑璁捐鐮旂┒,鎻愬嚭浜嗕竴绉嶅洓璺氦閿欏苟鑱斿崌鍘婦C/DC鍙樻崲鍣ㄦ嫇鎵戠粨鏋?璇ュ彉鎹㈠櫒鍏锋湁杈撳叆鐢垫祦澶с€佽緭鍏ョ數娴佺汗娉㈠皬銆佸姛鐜囧紑鍏冲櫒浠剁數鍘嬪簲鍔涘皬銆佽緭鍑虹數鍘嬪鐩婇珮绛変紭鐐广€傛枃涓垎鏋愪簡鐢佃矾鐨勫伐浣滃師鐞?缁欏嚭涓荤數璺弬鏁拌〃杈惧紡,浠跨湡缁撴灉楠岃瘉浜嗙悊璁哄垎鏋愮殑姝g‘鎬с€?鎽樿(鑻辨枃)锛?/div>In view of the radar power supply test demand and the shortcomings of the existing electronic load that the energy was fed back into electric network, the research of the boost DC/DC converter was carried out, a 4-channel interleaved parallel boost DC/ DC converter is proposed, and this converter not only has large input current and low input current ripple, but also has low voltage stress of power switches and high output voltage gain. The circuit principle is analyzed, and the parameter of main circuit is designed. The simulation results verify the theoretical analysis.鍙嶉 其他
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