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天文学 4 红外系统与元部件 4 光学工程 3
天文和天体物理 3 天文技术与方法 3 空间技术 2
G01C21/24 1 G06T17/05 1 GNSS interoperability signal performance analysis Signal is very important for the satellite navigation service, which determines the navigation accuracy. GPS and Galileo have made the MBOC signal as the baseline of interoperability signal, more specialists work on the interoperability signal design and performance analysis in recent years. As MBOC plays an important role in interoperability signal, the research of MBOC interoperability performance is useable. This paper introduced the basic theory of MBOC signal, analyze the correlation characteristics, the tracking accuracy, and multipath error of interoperability signal TMBOC and CBOC.(2)GNSS interoperability signal interference analysis.GNSS interoperability will take more visible satellites and navigation signals for users. The realization of GNSS interoperability is a process of multi-GNSS resource sharing, and union of signals from systems. So, monitoring the anti-interference and interference level of MBOC is an important work for the choice of future interoperability signal. This paper analyzed the spectrum separation coefficient, the code tracking interference coefficient, interference coefficient and equivalent carrier-to-noise ratio of TMBOC and CBOC signal. This paper also analyzes the Weil code and Random code performance. 1
地震地质学 1 工程与技术科学基础学科 1 控制工程 1
电子、通信与自动控制技术::自动控制技术::自动化技术应用 1 电子、通信与自动控制技术::自动控制技术::自动控制技术其他学科 1 电子与通信工程 1
计算机应用::计算机应用其他学科 1 计算机科学技术 1 计算机科学技术::计算机应用 1
计算机科学技术::计算机科学技术其他学科 1

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