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关键词高光谱 遥感图像 分类 模式识别 图像处理 Hyperspectral remote sensing classification pattern recognition image processing
其他题名Research on Classification Algorithms for Hyperspectral Images
中文摘要高光谱图像为地物探测带来新的途径,也给遥感图像处理引入了新的课题。而高光谱图像中的分类问题,一直是高光谱图像研究领域中的一个主要课题。尽管与高光谱图像分类的相关研究已经有很多年的历史,受硬件和处理技术的限制,仍然存在许多未解决的问题。伴随着模式识别、图像处理领域新技术的出现和发展,高光谱图像分类的研究手段也日益丰富并且不断发展。本文从总结高光谱分类现有的算法出发,分析了高光谱分类算法中的一些热点和难点,并且集中在几个问题上展开了研究和讨论。在研究思路上,本文以模式识别和图像处理领域的理论为基础,同时结合高光谱图像自身的一些特点,在现有研究成果的基础上开展创新性研究工作,提出了若干个适用于高光谱图像的新算法。本文的主要内容和贡献如下: 1. 提出了一种新的基于图切割的高光谱图像分类算法。在本算法中,将图切割方法创新应用到高光谱图像分类中,同时引入模糊支持 向量机,以其输出做为辅助标注,从而解决了遥感图像中图切割方法需要大量标注训练样本才能提高分类精度的问题。算法由两部分组成,首先利用训练数据对所有样本用模糊支持向量机进行预分类。对初始的分类结果,我们认为以高概率分为某类的那些点是可靠的样本,保留做为图切割方法的训练数据,而其它的样本则有待进一步分类。此举有效地解决了高光谱图像中目标分散且细小、不足以为图切割方法人工标注训练样本的问题。在第二步里,根据高光谱图像自身的特点,适当地建立起了图切割的模型,并且参考了自然图像处理中的图切割方法完成了最终的分类任务。对比实验验证了本文方法的有效性,特别是在小训练样本的情况下仍然能够保持相当满意的分类结果。 2. 研究了基于分层分割的高光谱图像非监督分类算法。在这个算法里,首先利用图像中像素间的近邻关系,将图像初始聚类为若干个区域。再进一步以这些区域做为研究对象,把它们进一步聚成若干个类的集合。本文工作的贡献在于研究如何对这些区域聚类。在自然图像直方图特征的基础上,提出了用直方图来描述高光谱图像区域特征的新方法,并且创新应用了几种利用直方图特征对区域进行聚类的算法,包括K-means,isodata,谱分解方法和近年来出现的AP (affinity propagation)算法等。最后,通过实验证明了本文方法的有效性。实验结果表明,AP 算法能够更好地完成区域聚类的任务,这也为本文的后续研究工作奠定了基础。 3. 提出了一种新的高光谱图像半监督类对波段选择算法。在传统的以分类为目标的波段选择算法里,一般选择一个固定的波段子集,并且认为在这个波段子集上各类间的可分性最好。这些算法忽略了一个很重要的事实是:对于不同类的组合,可分性最好的波段子集可能是不同的。在本文中,类对波段选择是指波段选择的过程具体到每一个类对,也就是每对两两类的组合。本文提出的是一种半监督算法,它利用半监督的最大期望估计来估算类对波段选择需要的参数。进一步地,构建了一个嵌入式波段选择框架,把类对波段选择和一个基于类对的分类过程嵌入到半监督最大期望估计的每一步迭代中。在实验中,通过比较不同方法下获得的波...
英文摘要As the occurrence of hyperspectral images has brought a new way for the observation of the earth, it has also introduced new topics for remote sensing image processing. Among all the topics related to hyperspectral images, classification is a perennial one. As a matter of fact, the research on classification of hyperspectral images has a history of years. However, due to the limitation of hardware and processing techniques, there are still lots of problems unsolved. Besides, with the emergence of new techniques and their development in the field of machine learning and image processing, the processing ways for classification of hyperspectral images have been gradually enriched and propelled to a higher stage. This thesis starts with an overview of literature for classification of hyperspectral images, presenting some research focuses as well as pointing out some issues that are difficult to solve. Practical works are then carried out and concentrated on several selected topics. Having the principles in the field of machine learning and image processing as theoretical basis, this thesis have actively integrated these principles with the characteristics of hyperspectral images. As a result, considerable innovative ideas are contributed and several new algorithms are proposed, which are practical for classification of hyperspectral images. The main contributions and novelties can be summarized as follows. 1. A semi-supervised classification method based on graph cut is proposed. In this method, the graph cut algorithm is introduced into classification tasks of hyperspectral images and the fuzzy version of support vector machine (SVM) is adopted to overcome the problem of insufficient training samples. In real hyperspectral classification applications, the number of training samples for each class is often limited. As a result, the graph cut algorithm can not be directly applied in these classification tasks. To overcome this difficulty, a two-step framework is proposed. In this framework, a fuzzy support vector machine is employed with these limited training samples, as a preliminary classification stage. For these preliminary results, we reserve those samples with higher posterior probabilities belonging to certain classes as reliable ones, while others are rejected for further classification. In the second stage, the reliable samples are fed as training samples to the input of the graph cut algorithm. With the establishment of a more subtle mode...
GB/T 7714
白俊. 高光谱遥感图像分类算法研究[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2013.
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