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关键词光学投影断层成像 螺旋扫描 旋转中心定位 并行三维重建 Optical projection tomography Helical scan Rotational center location Parallel 3D image reconstruction
其他题名Research on Reconstruction Method and System Construction for Optical Projection Tomography (OPT)
中文摘要光学投影断层成像(OPT)技术利用可见光在小尺寸生物中沿直线传播的特点,发射光束穿透样本得到投影图,进行解剖结构三维成像(透射式OPT),类似于X光CT;或者利用特定波长的光束激发样本中的荧光染料或荧光探针得到荧光图,进行分子特异性三维成像(激发式OPT),类似于激发荧光断层成像。OPT成像技术具有微米级的空间分辨率,1-10mm的成像视野,为生物组织、胚胎和小模式动物的生命科学研究提供了一种有效的技术手段。但是OPT成像在重建速度、旋转中心定位效率和长样本成像能力上仍然存在一定的问题,需要进一步的改进,而且在OPT成像系统研发上,国内尚未跟上国际的步伐,亟需深入开展成像系统的研究。 本文针对上面提到的OPT成像的问题,开展了深入的研究工作,涵盖了成像系统、成像算法、成像软件和生物应用四方面。构建了一套完整的在体(in vivo)OPT成像系统,提出并实现了多个成像算法,改善了OPT成像的重建速度、旋转中心定位效率。同时本人与OPT成像的杰出学者希腊电子结构与激光研究所的Jorge Ripoll博士合作,共同研发了螺旋OPT成像技术,解决了常规OPT成像技术无法对细长样本进行快速整体成像的问题。本文的工作与贡献可以概括为如下几个方面: 1 针对国内在OPT成像系统研究方面仍处于起步阶段的情况,本文开展了在体OPT成像系统的研究。自主研发了一套在体OPT成像系统,可以对果蝇等小模式动物进行三维观察。如针对携带绿色荧光蛋白的转基因果蝇,利用本系统可以动态观察果蝇蛹的生长发育过程。该系统为小模式动物的在体成像提供了有效的研究工具。 2 针对OPT成像三维重建速度慢的问题,本文开展了快速三维重建算法的研究。利用高性能图形处理器GPU多核并行的特点,在GPU上实现了并行三维重建过程,极大地提升了三维重建的速度。此外,本文还提出圆盘形重建区域技术,通过减少三维重建所需的计算量,进一步缩短重建所需的时间。本文提出的快速重建算法针对360幅512×512大小的投影图,重建512×512×512大小的三维体,重建部分仅需要3.44s,比哈佛大学医学院麻省总医院Vinegoni等人实现的并行算法快10%以上。 3 针对OPT成像领域中缺乏旋转中心自动定位方法的问题,本文开展了旋转中心自动定位方法的研究。提出了一种由粗到细的旋转中心定位方法,首先利用样本的质心轨迹粗定位旋转中心位置,然后在粗定位值附近基于重建图像质量准确定位旋转中心位置。本文还提出了高样本信号强度(Specimen Signal Intensity, SSI)正弦图筛选方法,在选出的正弦图上进行旋转中心定位可以有效地提高定位精度并减少定位时间。本文提出的算法可以自动、快速地定位OPT成像旋转中心位置,定位精度在1/4像素左右,定位时间仅需几秒钟。 4 针对国际上常规的OPT成像技术无法快速完成细长样本整体成像的问题,本文开展了长样本成像技术的研究。本人与合作者共同研发了螺旋OPT成像技术,在样本旋转的同时加上平移运动,扩展了OPT成像在样本长度方向的成像视野。在螺旋OPT成像技术研发过程中,希腊克里特电子结构与激光研究所Jorge Ripoll博士的团队完成了螺旋OPT成像系统硬件的构建、控制采...
英文摘要Optical Projection Tomography (OPT) is a tool which can view small samples. In the OPT, the sample can be seen as transparent. Therefore, the photons are transmitted along direct line in the samples. OPT can be divided into transmission OPT (tOPT) and emission OPT (eOPT). In tOPT, we get a series of projection views like x-ray CT. The tOPT can view 3-Dimensional (3D) morphology images of the sample. While in eOPT, we get the fluorescence views like Fluorescence Molecular Tomography (FMT). The eOPT can view 3D distribution of colored dyes or fluorescent probes in the sample. OPT can image samples of sizes between 1mm and 10mm with a resolution of several microns or even better. OPT has been proved to be an effective imaging tool for low scattering biological samples such as small animal extremities, animal embryos and small insects. However, there is still room for improvement when it comes to reconstruction speed, rotational center location and elongated sample imaging. Furthermore, the domestic relative research on OPT starts late and it is the urgent need to study OPT systems. In this thesis, researches on the imaging system, reconstruction methods, imaging softwares and biological applications are conducted. We have built an in vivo OPT system and developed several imaging algorithms and softwares. These algorithms improved the reconstruction speed and effectiveness of rotational center location. We have also developed helical OPT (hOPT) with Doctor Jorge Ripoll who is the distinguished researcher on OPT imaging at the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), Crete, Greece. The helical OPT can view elongated samples in a fast manner which can not be done by normal OPT. The experimental results illustrated that helical OPT could view the whole elongated samples with high speed. The main contributions of this thesis are listed as follows: 1 To solve the lack of OPT system study in domestic research, we have built an in vivo OPT system. Our OPT system can view in vivo samples including Drosophila melanogaster and other small model animals. Based on this system, we viewed developing Drosophila melanogaster pupas which expressing Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). Our OPT system provides an effective in vivo imaging tool for small model animals. 2 To solve the slow reconstruction speed problem in OPT, we have proposed a fast reconstruction method. We have used multi-core Graphics P...
GB/T 7714
董迪. 光学投影断层成像方法研究与原型系统构建[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2013.
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