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关键词推荐系统 个性化 协同过滤 时间效应 季节效应 推荐系统动态特性 recommender system personalization collaborative filtering temporal effects seasonal effects temporal dynamics in recommender systems
其他题名Research on Temporal Recommender Systems
中文摘要推荐系统(Recommender System)是帮助用户发现内容,克服信息过载的重要工具。它通过分析用户的行为,对用户兴趣建模,从而预测用户的兴趣并给用户做推荐。推荐系统的早期研究主要集中在静态用户行为分析领域,即不考虑用户行为发生的时间,而仅仅研究用户行为中与时间无关的静态模式。近年,随着Netflix推荐比赛的推动以及大量包含时间信息的数据集的公开,很多研究人员转向研究推荐系统的动态特性,主要包括用户兴趣变化的动态模型,基于时间上下文的推荐等等问题。但这个领域中还存在很多关键技术需要解决。 本文基于大量公开的用户行为数据集对推荐系统动态特性进行了深入的研究,包括评分预测问题中用户兴趣的动态模型,Top-N推荐问题中用户兴趣的动态模型,以及系统时效性对用户兴趣预测的影响等。本文的主要工作和贡献如下: 1 提出了评分预测问题中用户兴趣预测的动态模型:评分预测问题是推荐系统中研究最多的问题之一,它的主要任务是通过分析用户对物品的评分数据,预测给定用户对给定物品的评分。本文将时间信息引入到这个问题中,通过矩阵分解模型对四种不同的时间效应进行建模,提出了一个动态的用户兴趣模型。同时,本文还利用级联模型对季节效应进行建模。实验方法表明该方法相对于静态用户兴趣模型,能够显著的提高评分预测的精度。 2 提出了Top-N推荐问题中用户兴趣预测的动态模型:Top-N推荐问题是实际推荐系统中最常见的问题,它的主要任务是通过分析用户的日志数据,给用户兴趣建模,并根据用户兴趣模型给用户推荐N个他最可能喜欢的物品。本文将时间信息引入到这个问题中,通过在传统的用户物品二分图上引入用户时间节点来对用户的长期兴趣和短期兴趣建模,从而让用户的推荐结果能够同时反映他们的长期兴趣和短期兴趣。同时,本文还提出了一个基于图模型的路径融合算法,该算法能够有效的从图模型中计算出物品相对于每个用户的个性化排名。实验方法表明引入用户时间节点后的图模型相对于时间无关的静态模型,能够显著的提高Top-N推荐的准确度,同时路径融合算法相对于其他基于图的排名算法,在推荐准确度上也有较大的优势。 3 系统地研究了时效性对推荐系统的影响,并提出了在不同时效性网站中都具有较高推荐精度的推荐算法:用户的行为和兴趣同时受到社会因素和个人因素的影响。但在不同时效性的网站中,这两种因素对用户行为的影响程度不同。时效性快的网站中,用户更容易受到社会因素的影响,而在时效性慢的网站中,用户更容易受到个人因素的影响。为了能在不同时效性的网站中都做出准确的推荐,本文提出了时间的图模型,该模型通过引入两种新的节点来对社会因素和个人因素分别建模,并通过调整这两种节点的权重来调整推荐系统的精度。实验表明该方法能够在不同时效性的数据集中都取得较高的推荐准确率。 4 设计了动态推荐系统的原型系统:论文在总结前几章工作的基础上设计了动态推荐系统的原型系统。该系统能够实时响应用户的最新行为,并根据用户行为的变化来实时的调整推荐结果,从而不断改善用户在推荐系统中的体验。
英文摘要Recommender System is an important tool for users to discovery information of their interest, it is also an important tool to overcome information overload problem. The main idea of recommender system is to make recommendation by analyzing users’ historical behaviors. Early researches on recommender system always neglect temporal information, and most of them are focused on the analysis of users’ static behaviors. In recent years, because of Netflix Prize, more and more data sets including temporal information are released, and more and more researchers are studying on temporal recommendation problem. However, there are many problems left in this research area. This paper investigate the temporal recommendation problem by analyzing many public released data sets. Following are main contributions of this paper: 1 Temporal recommendation for rating prediction problem: Rating prediction problem is the most famous problem in recommender system, its main task is to predict a given user’s rating on a given item by analyzing her historical rating on other items. In this paper, we incorporate temporal information into this problem, and propose a latent factor model to model four different temporal effects. Furthermore, we also proposed a cascade model to model seasonal effects. Experimental results show that our method can achieve higher accuracy in rating prediction problem than non-temporal methods. 2 Temporal recommendation for top-N recommendation problem: Top-N recommendation problem is the most important problem in real recommender system, its main task is to recommend N items to every user which will be of their interests by analyzing users’ historical behaviors. In this paper, we introduce a new type of node, session node, into user-item bipartite graph to model users’ long term and short term interests. Furthermore, we also proposed a new graph-based personal ranking method called PathFusion to make recommendation by the new graph model. Experimental results show that our method can make higher accuracy than non-temporal methods and other temporal recommendation methods in top-N recommendation problem. 3 Influence of system update rate on recommender system: User behavior is influenced by social factor and personal factor. However, in the websites with different update rates, these two factors will have different influence. In fast updating sites, users are more influenced by social factor while in slow updating sites, users are more influenced b...
GB/T 7714
项亮. 动态推荐系统关键技术研究[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院研究生院. 2011.
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