关键词水电开发 河流生态系统服务 人类福利 综合评价 杂谷脑河流域 
其他题名Integrated Assessment on Hydro-electricity to River Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being
中文摘要水电开发是一把双刃剑,国内外各界人士对水电开发利弊的争论一直处于非常激烈的状态,但从我国的国情和发展目标看,水电开发仍然是非常有必要的。因此,如何正确的、综合的看待水电开发过程中产生的各种利弊效应、并实现对其全面评估,达到在水电开发过程中趋利避弊的目的就成为目前亟待解决问题。就我国的水电开发利弊研究而言,在以往的研究中,多角度的综合评估大都是针对类似三峡水电工程等大型项目,而对小型、梯级电站利弊影响的综合研究相对较少;对水电站经济效益、生态与环境影响考虑的居多,对社会影响的研究较少,即使有也仅是对移民的影响研究工作,对其他普通人群的研究很少;以水电站效益为中心看其利弊的研究较多,而以各种利益相关者福利为视角,并依其变化来看水电开发利弊的研究相对较少,把河流生态系统服务作为重要手段纳入水电开发利弊影响评价的研究就更少。为此,本论文以我国水电开发的典型区域——岷江上游一级支流杂谷脑河为主要研究区域,借鉴WCD报告和MA报告的评估理念和方法,综合利用生态学、经济学、社会学等多学科的研究方法,以生态系统服务为媒介,以人类福利为中心,对我国水电开发在不同的时间尺度、空间尺度上产生的效应展开综合评估。论文首先在分析当地水电开发历史变化的基础上,找到影响该区域水电开发的驱动力。其次,以河流生态系统为研究尺度,把河流生态系统服务作为连接人类行为-自然生态系统-人类福利的重要手段,评价在有、无水电开发两种情景下河流生态系统服务在枯水期和丰水期的价值,同时确定这些价值在利益相关者间的分配以及各项生态系统服务提供的时间尺度。再次,以流域为主要研究尺度,以实地问卷调查为主要研究方法,从经济、社会和生态三个方面就水电开发对各类利益相关者福利的影响进行了评价,并定性确定了各类影响的时间尺度、影响程度等。最后,基于前述分析,得出对当地水电开发综合影响评价的最终结论,并依据该结论,就当地乃至全国水电开发过程中的可持续管理提出科学对策。通过研究得出以下主要结果:(1)对杂谷脑河水电开发驱动力的分析认为,当地水电开发的直接驱动力为较为丰富的水源、较为稳定的年际变率和良好的河流比降,这些都为杂谷脑河水电开发提供了先天条件;水电开发的间接驱动力主要是政策和经济。前者决定了当地水电开发主要服务对象,后者决定了当地水电开发的规模。(2)通过对有、无水电开发情景下河流生态系统服务及其价值的评价得出,在有水电开发情景下,河流的生态系统服务及其价值为:水能(水电)提供54288万元/年、淡水资源提供为97700万元/年、淡水鱼提供为102万元/年,水质净化价值为18万元/年,环境效益为29752万元/年,潜在娱乐文化价值为90万元/年。合计为181952万元/年,其中枯水期总价值为53687万元/年,丰水期总价值为128267万元/年,采用属性评价法对生物多样性进行评价,评价结果为2。在无水电开发情景下,上述六项指标的价值分别为 0万元/年、97700万元/年、1751万元/年、1609万元/年、-82万元/年、283万元/年,合计101285万元/年,其中,枯水期为20785万元/年,丰水期为80524万元/年,生物多样性的属性评价结果为24。(3)就生态系统服务的利益分配而言,水电开发的主要受益者为流域内部的政府部门和流域外部参与水电建设、运行的相关企业以及电力终端用户;利益受损的群体主要是流域内的普通人群,其次还涉及到流域外部的所有人的利益(如生物多样性减低等)。(4)从水电开发对流域经济影响的评价结果来看,流域内有三类人因水电开发受到经济损失,一是被征地、占地的人群,这部分人群因为补偿标准偏低而遭受经济损失,以红叶二级电站为例,平均每人的经济损失可达1207元/年;二是位于河边的农民,因其农灌等与水电站用水冲突而造成经济损失,以梭罗沟为例,平均每人每年的经济损失达1167元;三是开展旅游活动的居民,因电站建设对景区的淹没、景观破坏等造成旅游收入下降,以米亚罗为例,平均每人每年的经济损失达131元。 (5)从水电开发对流域内部的社会影响评价结果来看,水电开发对当地产生了巨大社会压力,主要表现在因政府职能错位,政策落实不到位等造成的当地社会紊乱,官民矛盾激化;而当地普通居民是该社会压力的主要承受者。(6)从水电开发对流域内部的生态影响评价结果来看,主要表现在因施工等造成的山地灾害、水土流失等潜在隐患,运行期间造成的人为旱涝灾害,并在一定程度上改变了当地的小气候,而且,就“以(水)电代柴”来保护当地生态环境政策的实施效果来看,当地水电在该方面发挥的作用甚微。这些负面影响的主要承担者为流域内普通人群以及河流下游居民。综合本研究的评价结果,最终认为杂谷脑河水电开发确实产生了巨大的经济效益和环境效益,但同时也为此付出了巨大代价。水电开发过程实际是一个利益再分配的过程,利益分配不均是导致水电开发产生一系列问题的根源。
英文摘要Though the advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectricity have been arguing by the relative-experts all over the world for a long time, hydroelectricity plays a considerably important role in keeping our country in a better economic state. So, the problems need be urgently resolved are how to assess the multiple influences of hydroelectricity development in a correct and integrated way and improve the occasion. There are some insufficiencies in the researches on the advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectricity development in our country. For example, some integrated assessment were much more done on some large dam like Sanxia Dam than small or ladder-like hydrostation; and economic values and ecological influences were much more considered than societal impacts; and more researches centered on hydrostation itself, few on relative-stakeholders and their well-being. So, in order to improve the study, take the typical hydroelectricity developing area –Zagunao River as the researching area and the “human well-being” as research center, make good use of World Commission on Dam(WCD)report, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment(MA) reports and methods from ecology, economy, society etc for reference, assess the influence of hydostations for multi-time and multi-spatial scales in a integrated way. Fist, the thesis analyzes the drivers on the basin hydroelectricity development. Second, on the scale of river ecosystem, taking ecosystem services as the major tool to link human behavior-natural ecosystem- human well-being, assesses the ecosystem services’ value in low and plentiful water period respectively on the scenarios of with and without hydroelectricity development; meanwhile, points out the main stakeholders linking to those services and the time scales of services. Third, on the basin scale, makes the best use of questionnaire results, assesses the influence to stakeholders’ well-being of hydroelectricity development from economical, societal and ecological aspects respectively, at the same time, qualitatively analyzes the time scales and the intensity of the influences; last, based on all results of above assessments, concludes the main influences of hydroelectricity development and provides some advices for hydroelectricity management in China. The main results are as below: (1) The main direct drivers to hydroelectricity development in Zagunao River are ricer water resource, and ideal; and policy and economy are the main indirect drivers. (2) In the scenario of with hydrostations, the values of ecosystem services of Zagunao River are: hydropower: 543 million Yuan/a; fresh water, 977 million Yuan/a; fresh fishes, 1.02 million Yuan/a; water cleaning value, 0.18 million Yuan/a; environmental benefit, 297.5 million Yuan/a; entertainment value, 0.9 million Yuan/a; and biodiversity value, 2 (in attributive valuation). In the scenario of without hydrostations, the values of the anterior six items of ecosystem services of Zagunao River are: 0, 977, 17.5, 16.1,-0.82, 2.8 million Yuan/a respectively and biodiversity value, 2 (in attributive valuation). The stakeholders like the government or the company which directly join the building, running and management etc of the hydrostations are the main benefit accepters; and the common people are the main sacrifice. (3) As for the economic influences of hydrostations to the basin ecosystem, there are at least three kinds of people undergo economic losses. First, people whose tilth were occupied permanently or temporarily will lose 1207yuan/a or so, take the Second Ladder hydrostation of Hongye; second, people whose river side tilth has conflict with near hydrostation in using water will lose 1167yuan/a, take the branch river- Suoluogou Rive as example; third, people whose incomes mainly depends on tourism will lost 131yuan/a, take the Miyaluo as example. (4) As for the societal influences of hydrostations to the basin ecosystem, hydroelectricity development has brought considerable pressure to the local society. Because of lacking or wrong management, the local people became the main victim and have a sharpening conflict with managers. (5) As for the ecological influences of hydrostations to the basin ecosystem, many bad impacts are or will be brought to local people and also people in lower reaches of the river. Such as mountain disasters, etc. Syntheses all the assessing results in the thesis, the main final conclusions are hydroelectricity development indeed bring huge economic benefit, but all the benefit is at a large price; the process of hydroelectricity development is actually a process of redistribution of benefits, and the uneven distribution of these benefits is the foundation stone of all series of problems brought by hydroelectricity development.
GB/T 7714
王洪梅. 水电开发对河流生态系统服务及人类福利综合影响评价——以四川杂谷脑河水电开发为例[D]. 成都. 中国科学院水利成都山地灾害与环境研究所. 2007.
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