CORC  > 厦门大学  > 2016年卷第2期(Vol.2016 No.2)
南海水下文化遗产保护的挑战; The Challenges of Underwater Cultural Heritage Protection in the South China Sea
巫晓发 ; Yodsapon Nitiruchirot
关键词南海 South China Sea 《联合国海洋法公约》 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 《保护水下文化遗产公约》 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage 2001 水下文化遗产 Underwater Cultural Heritage
英文摘要巫晓发,厦门大学南海研究院博士研究生,泰国皇太后大学讲师。; 【中文摘要】:不可否认,水下文化遗产对人类非常重要,例如,其可以作为研究历史和人类祖先文明的有力工具。有鉴于此,水下文化遗产应该得到有力保护。1982 年《联合国海洋法公约》和2001 年联合国教科文组织《保护水下文化遗产公约》(以下简称“《2001 年公约》”),都对水下文化遗产的保护做出了相关规定,后者更是水下文化遗产保护方面的专门法。水下文化遗产存在许多有争议的问题,其中南海周边水域的水下文化遗产争端最富有争议。南海连接了安达曼海和太平洋,其间的历史航线在古代就被用作海运贸易路线。由此可以推测,南海水下肯定藏有丰富的考古文物。然而有时,南海水下文化遗产的保护似乎遭到了忽视, 因此,这些遗产很容易出现丢失的风险。在此背景下,本文指出了南海水下文化遗产保护所面临的3 个挑战。首先,可适用的《联合国海洋法公约》尚不足以保护南海水域的水下文化遗产,《2001 年公约》虽较为全面,但是南海周边各国中只有柬埔寨一国批准了该公约;其次,南海海域存在主权和划界争端;最后,南海周边各国相关的国内法尚不一致。在此情况下,作者建议,为加强南海水下文化遗产的保护,南海周边各国应该批准《2001 年公约》,缔结区域协定,并协调各自的国内法。 【Abstract】Underwater Cultural Heritage (hereinafter “UCH”) is, undeniably,important for the humankind. For instance, it is a useful tool for the study of history and our ancestors’ civilization. Because of such importance, UCH should be well protected. UCH protection has been provided in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (LOSC) and the 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (hereinafter “2001 Convention”) which is known as a specific law for protecting UCH. There are a number of controversial issues related to UCH. Among them, the disputes over the UCH in the South China Sea (SCS) are most debatable. Connecting the Andaman Sea and the Pacific Ocean, the SCS was historically used as a seaborne trade route. Therefore,it is predicted that the SCS may be rich in submerged archaeological objects.However, the protection of UCH in the SCS sometimes seems to be overlooked.Hence, the risk of the UCH in the SCS being lost is high. Against this backdrop,this article points out three challenges facing UCH protection in the SCS. First, the relevant provisions under LOSC are not sufficient to protect UCH in the SCS,and all the States surrounding the SCS, except Cambodia, have not ratified the 2001 Convention, which is a comprehensive treaty designed to preserve UCH.Second, the SCS involves complex sovereignty and delimitation disputes. Lastly,the domestic laws adopted by the States surrounding the SCS are not mutually compatible. Considering these challenges, the author suggests that, in order to enhance UCH protection in the SCS, these surrounding States should ratify the 2001 Convention, conclude regional agreements, and harmonize their national laws.
专题2016年卷第2期(Vol.2016 No.2)
GB/T 7714
巫晓发,Yodsapon Nitiruchirot. 南海水下文化遗产保护的挑战, The Challenges of Underwater Cultural Heritage Protection in the South China Sea. 2016-12-01.
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