CORC  > 厦门大学  > 2012年卷第2期(Vol.2012 No.2)
外商参与我国沿海水域沉船沉物打捞之法律问题解析; The Participation of Foreign Businesses in the Salvage of Sunken Vessels and Articles in China’s Coastal Waters:A Legal Analysis
傅廷中 ; FU Tingzhong
关键词外商 Foreign businesses 沉船沉物打捞 Salvage of sunken vessels and articles 合同式 Contractual mode 合作式 Cooperative mode
英文摘要傅廷中,清华大学法学院教授,博士生导师。电子邮箱。; [文摘]沉船沉物打捞与海难救助一样,是海商活动的具体表现形式。长期以来,我国对沿海水域的沉船沉物打捞实行排他式经营的方式,只能由悬挂中华人民共和国国旗的船舶经营。随着改革开放这一基本国策的贯彻实施,自上世纪九十年代以来,我国在海上打捞领域开始吸收国外的资金和先进技术,1992年《关于外商参与打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物管理办法》的颁布,标志着中外合作、共同开展海上打捞活动的大门已被打开。本文从国家主管机关的相关规定入手,对吸收外商(包括港澳台商)参与沉船沉物打捞活动的问题予以解析和论证,意在倡导于法律的框架之内,联合海内外的力量,共同开展对我国管辖水域内沉船沉物的打捞,其中包括联合港澳台的力量,在南海地区开展打捞事业,以便共同宣示国家主权,维护中华民族的核心利益,在经济上实现互利共赢。[Abstract]Similar to salvage at sea,the salvage of sunken vessels and articles is a particular form of maritime activity.Over a long period of time,China adopted an exclusive model for the salvage of sunken vessels and articles in its coastal waters,namely that such salvage could only be carried out by ships flying the national flag of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).Along with the implementation of the basic state policy of reform and“opening-up”,especially beginning in the 1990s,China has started to introduce foreign capital and advanced technologies into marine salvage.The promulgation of the Measures Governing the Participation of Foreign Businesses in the Salvage of Sunken Vessels and Articles in China’s Coastal Waters (hereinafter the“Measures”) in 1992 indicated that the door had been opened for cooperation between China and foreign countries in the field of rescue and salvage in the coastal waters of China. Starting with the relevant regulations of Chinese authorities,this paper analyzes the legal issues concerning the participation of foreign businesses(including businesses of Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan)in the salvage of sunken vessels and articles.The purpose of writing the paper is to promote the salvage of sunken vessels and articles in areas under Chinese national jurisdiction by a coalition of inland and overseas forces within the legal framework.This includes cooperation with the forces of Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan in carrying out salvage projects in the South China Sea in an effort to jointly declare Chinese sovereignty and maintain the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation for the realization of mutual and common benefits.; 本文系2010年国家社科基金重大课题《南海地区国家核心利益的维护策略研究》(项目批准 号:10zd&013)之子课题四(南海海上救捞与水下文物保护)的阶段性成果。
专题2012年卷第2期(Vol.2012 No.2)
GB/T 7714
傅廷中,FU Tingzhong. 外商参与我国沿海水域沉船沉物打捞之法律问题解析, The Participation of Foreign Businesses in the Salvage of Sunken Vessels and Articles in China’s Coastal Waters:A Legal Analysis[J],2012.
APA 傅廷中,&FU Tingzhong.(2012).外商参与我国沿海水域沉船沉物打捞之法律问题解析..
MLA 傅廷中,et al."外商参与我国沿海水域沉船沉物打捞之法律问题解析".(2012).
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